On September 21st, Misteka’s very own owner Iman Moussa was featured on “Women of Egypt” online magazine as a leading entrepreneur and philanthropist in her community.
Women of Egypt is an advocacy movement whose main mission is to empower Egyptian women by bringing into focus important issues hindering their growth, and by effecting positive change. Over the past two years, WOE has featured thousands of Egyptian women who have distinguished themselves as workers, professionals, artists, gymnasts and athletes, academics, entrepreneurs, and ordinary people who are breaking through gender barriers and societal taboos. This media exposure not only has highlighted the activities of these women; it has acted as a connectivity and networking tool for educational and business opportunities open to all who follow WOE on a daily basis. Moreover, WOE have become a credible and respected source of information and news about Egyptian women sought by printed and electronic media, international organizations and NGOs in Egypt and beyond.
Iman Moussa: Owner of Koshary By Misteka Restaurant for Egyptian Food in Clarksville, Maryland
بعد رحيل ايمان وعائلاتها من مصر واستقرارهم في الولايات المتحده الأمريكيه بدأت في البحث عن طرق تحقق من خلالها التواصل بين وطنها وأصولها وبين عالمها الجديد. في خلال رحله البحث تبادر لها غياب تمثيل الاكل المصري في وطن يقوم بتبني ثقافات وأ كلات من شتى أنحاء العالم واتخذت القرار بأن تعرف مجتمعها على ثقافتها من خلال تعريفهم على الأكله الوطنيه الاشهر في مصر٫ الكشري!
After relocating to the US with her family Iman was looking for a way to connect her original roots and culture to the new place she now calls home. Thinking of how to start from scratch she noticed and was surprised by how poorly Egyptian cuisine was represented and decided it’s time to change that and give her community a taste of home. Holding a degree in Journalism and PR, Iman always shied away from media but was about to broadcast her culture to her new society through food.
أقامت إيمان شركتها الخاصة وبعد دراسة السوق الأمريكي لعدة سنوات قامت بافتتاح أول فرع لمحل أكل يقوم بتقديم أشهر الأكلات لمصرية في ولاية ميريلاند وعلى رأسها الكشري تحت إسم @kosharybymisteka لاقت أكلاتها إقبال كبير وإعجاب شديد بالنكهات المختلفة للاكل المصريواحتواؤه على عناصر غذائية قيمة
Iman started her own company Misteka Foods and After studying the market for a few years she threw an anchor in Clarksville, Maryland and opened her first retail location Koshary-by-MISTEKA
Featuring koshary as her signature item and the National dish of Egypt was an intriguing factor to many of her visitors who fell in love with the flavors she presented.
قائمة أكلاتها تسلط الضو، بشكل أساسي على الأكلات النباتيه والغني بها المطبخ المصري بالإضافة إلى مراعاة أكلاتها لأصحاب الحساسيات المختلفة وعلى رأسها حساسية الجلوتين.
“الحلم هو بناء علامة تجارية تحظى بالثقة في تقديم الأفضل لعملائها٫ عاملينها والمجتمع. علامة تجارية تمثل كل ما هو أصيل وإيجابي في الثقافة المصرية” أضافت إيمان
تتبني إيمان حملة بعنوان #DontEatAlone والتي يتم من خلالها التبرع بوجبات مجانية لصالح منظمات خيرية تقيم شركتها شراكة مباشرة معها.
الشركة تطمح لافتتاح العديد من الفروع بولايات مختلفة.
Her menu is designed to target those who are looking to adopt a healthier, cleaner, plant-based diet and even includes a large selection for the gluten-free crowd. From day one Iman had a clear vision of how she wanted her brand to look like. “I want to build a brand with a heart,” she says.
Our brand is designed to be compassionate and trustworthy. A brand that cares for its employees, customers and the community. Koshary by Misteka has an ongoing campaign called #DontEatAlone through which meals are donated to partner charity organizations.
Our brand is designed to be compassionate and trustworthy. A brand that cares for its employees, customers and the community. Koshary by Misteka has an ongoing campaign called #DontEatAlone through which meals are donated to partner charity organizations.
The sky is the limit for Iman and her team. They see a future where their brand will be popping up in many locations around the US.
Website: www.kosharycorner.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MistekaFoods/
Instagram handle: @kosharybymisteka